Use the A-Z navigation at the top of the page, the search bar provided or the filters below to help you locate a particular service.

Abandoned Vehicles

Tell us about an abandoned vehicle.

Active Travel

Submit an active travel idea

Battery Recycling Bags

Use this service to request a new, or a replacement, bag for recycling houshold batteries

Certificate of Birth, Death, Marriage or Civil Partnership

Order a certificate for an event registered in Scotland

Clubs and Organisations Feedback

Let us know about any updates to an existing club or organisations or about any new ones we should add.

Dead Animals

Tell us about dead animals in a public place

Disabled Parking Space

Request a disabled parking space

Discarded Needles

Tell us about discarded needles you've found

Dog Fouling

Tell us about dog fouling


Tell us about flytipping

FOI/EIR Request

Make an FOI or EIR request

Litter Bins

Tell us about a problem with public litter bins

Noise Commercial

Tell us about a commercial noise nuisance.

Noise Domestic

Tell us about a domestic noise nuisance.

Recycling Points

Tell us about a problem with a council recycling point

Road Occupation Permit

Apply for a road occupation permit

Roadworks Permit

Apply for a roadworks permit

Street Cleaning

Tell us about a street that needs to be cleaned (litter, glass etc)


Tell us about a problem with a streetlight.

Waste: Additional Capacity for Domestic non-recyclable waste

Request additional capacity for non recyclable waste. This would usually be a 360l bin.

Waste: Additional Capacity for Domestic Recycling

Request additional recycling bins.

Waste: Assisted Collection

Request help to get your bin to and from the roadside collection point.

Waste: Domestic Uplift

Book and pay for a domestic uplift of items. You can also request a quote for a bespoke uplift.

Waste: Missed Collection

Tell us if we have failed to collect a bin from a domestic property on its collection day.

Waste: New Bin

Property developers and self-builders can buy bins for a new domestic property.

Waste: Replacement Bin

For householders to request a replacement bin when theirs is missing, damaged, the wrong size or type